The Compound Needs A Pick-up Truck

At an auto dealership in the Pittsburgh area, I drove an older five-speed Mazda pick-up truck. Curiously enough, in the rear window, was a U.S. veteran's VFW parking lot sticker. Seeing that sticker, I was suddenly inspired with the thought that "the compound needs a pick-up truck."

Since then, I've been casually reviewing available real estate. My plan is to acquire something suitable for overnight guests with a percentage of the proceeds from other parts of this site or from Son of a Gun when converted and sold as a book. That property would become the central location for the Haggerty family and friends to gather regularly in dad's honor. We have many interesting and exciting people in our extended family and their presence would make it a wonderful place for us well into the future.

Certainly, we need to get a location to call our own, our Haggerty family compound. Once we have that, then we can discuss getting a pick-up truck.